1. GIH mijenja ime u RED


    fakultet1_fb EFOSDrage kolege, sudionici prethodnih GIH simpozija, dragi prijatelji,

    Izuzetno nam je zadovoljstvo kontaktirati vas i informirati o najnovijim vijestima i informacijama o našem sljedećem simpoziju.

    Prije svega, želimo vam zahvaliti na sudjelovanju i znanstvenim doprinosima, kao i na izvrsnim ocjenama koje ste dali simpoziju GIH 2019 u post-konferencijskom upitniku. » Pročitajte više…

  2. Microeconomics of Competitiveness at the Doctoral Programme Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness


    Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC) was the topic of discussion with our doctoral students on 27-28 September. The course was created in 2002 by Professor Michael Porter and taught by professors Slavica Singer and Sanja Pfeifer at the Doctoral Programme. Being a member of MOC Affiliate Network of more than 100 educational institutions around the world (attached to the Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness at the Harvard Business School) that teach the MOC curriculum, we enjoyed discussing the core concepts of competitiveness and creating shared values, using diamond model as analytical approach. » Pročitajte više…