1. Presentation of the research question – Darija Ivanković


    Our doctoral student Darija Ivanković, enrolled in the 2nd cohort, will present her research problem Entrepreneurship as transversal discipline: holistic approach in teaching entrepreneurship as a competence (Poduzetništvo kao transverzalna disciplina: holistički pristup u podučavanju poduzetništva kao kompetencije). » Pročitajte više…

  2. Presentation of research problem


    Doctoral student Sonja Sophia Wilhelm will hold presentation of the research problem of her doctoral thesis Reinventing Entrepreneurship Education: Embedding Regenerative Sustainability Through Systems Thinking.

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  3. Public defence of the doctoral thesis by Nerma Saračević dipl. oec., a PhD candidate at the Interdisciplinary Inter-University Doctoral Study Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness


    Nerma Saračević, dipl. oec., a PhD candidate at the Interdisciplinary Inter-University Doctoral Study Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness will held public defence of doctoral thesis entitled “Model of Internal Ranking of Clients in Islamic Banks for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”. » Pročitajte više…

  4. Velimir Šonje o GEM Hrvatska 2023, u Ekonomskom labu 2.12.2024.


    Velimir Šonje o GEM Hrvatska 2023, u Ekonomskom labu 2.12.2024.: Može li poduzetništvo dići Hrvatsku na 90% realnog dohotka EU: želje i mogućnosti

  5. 2024 Effectuation Conference


    Our professors Saras Sarasvathy and Slavica Singer participated as keynote speakers at the 2024 Effectuation Conference in Nantes, France (connected to the RENT conference) on November 12 – 13, 2024. Saras talked about The State of the Entrepreneurial Method (New worlds, new research, new classrooms) and Slavica talked about New Classroom; Well-being of people and well-being of the planet (Giraffes, Galileo and Search for Relevant Knowledge). » Pročitajte više…