1. Presentation of research problem by doctoral student Borna Buljan

    Borna Buljan, doctoral student from the 7th cohort will present his research problem to the review committee on October 2, 2024 at 14.00 CET. » Read more…

  2. Professor Singer participated in webinar on entrepreneurship education organised by the Swedish National Agency for Education

    Professor Slavica Singer took part as a speaker in the webinar on entrepreneurship education organised by the Swedish National Agency for Education, on September 18, 2024. » Read more…

  3. Presentation of research problems

    Our doctoral students, Borna Buljan and Dragica Karajić will hold presentations of the research problem of their doctoral thesis according to following schedule:

    10.00 am CET  Borna Buljan: Identifikacija čimbenika koji utječu na namjeru promjene gospodarske djelatnosti postojećih poduzetnika (Identification of factors influencing the intention to change the economic activity of existing entrepreneurs)
    12.00 am CET  Dragica Karajić: “Model trostruke petlje znanja kao polazište nove paradigme održivog društveno ekonomskog razvoja“”(“Triple Helix Model as Basis for a New Paradigm of Sustainable Social Economic Development”) » Read more…

  4. World Giraffe Day

    Today is World Giraffe Day – in the honor of solstice, 21 June is the World Giraffe Day. So we are celebrating it by enjoying beautiful photos from National Geographic. » Read more…

  5. Decision on acceptance of the list of selected applicants for admission to the 11th cohort of the Inter-university Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness

    Decision on acceptance of the list of selected applicants for admission to the 11th cohort of the Inter-university Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness in academic year 2023/2024

  6. Presentation of the CroStartup association at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek

    “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” (African proverb)

    On 24 April 2024, the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek hosted the presentation of the CroStartup association was held, an organisation that aims to strengthen the start-up community in Croatia, share knowledge and resources, work on removing regulatory barriers to the creation and development of entrepreneurial ventures, and put Croatia on the global map of the start-up community. » Read more…

  7. Presentation of Cro-StartUp association and innovative company Spectre from Valpovo

    We invite you to the presentation of the Croatian association CRO STARTUP, and the young Croatian start-up Spectre from Valpovo, which is already conquering the world market with its products. » Read more…

  8. Presentation of research problem by doctoral student Tamara Drezner

    Dear colleagues,

    Tamara Drezner, our doctoral student will present the research problem which she is interested to work on for her doctoral thesis:

    Topic: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education in Croatia » Read more…

  9. SFF Academia & Research monthly Check-in

    Professor Slavica Singer will present the topic New Metrics for Systemic Innovation, as part of our involvement In the consortium of the project Start for Future, financed through European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), on February 29th 2024, at 10.00 am CET:
    You are invited to participate – https://hm-edu.zoom.us/j/68962902840?pwd=dWNjMUp1SU13eHZkdlhmcE56Und6Zz09 » Read more…

  10. Extension of call for enrolment into 11th cohort of inter-university interdisciplinary doctoral study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Call for enrolment into 11th cohort of inter-university interdisciplinary doctoral study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS in academic year 2023/2024 for obtaining academic degree Doctor of Science in the area of social sciences (Ph.D.) has been extended to 31 March, 2024.

    All information about the call are available at the following link

  11. 🌟 A Golden Milestone for Croatia at GEM’s 25th Anniversary 🌟

    Last night’s celebration at the GEM 25th anniversary dinner was a moment of profound pride for Croatia. We were honored with a gold award for our unwavering 22 years of continuous participation in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor research. It was my utmost honor to accept this award on behalf of our dedicated GEM Croatia team. » Read more…

  12. 🎉 Celebrating 25 Years of GEM: Insights from Casablanca 🎉

    This year Professor Slavica Singer, GEM Croatia team leader and Nataša Šarlija, GEM Croatia team member attended the GEM 2023/2024 annual conference in Casablanca, Morocco, marking a significant milestone: the 25th anniversary of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor’s journey. The “25 Years and Growing” report is a testament to GEM’s dedication to enhancing entrepreneurial ecosystems worldwide. » Read more…

  13. Call for enrolment into 11th cohort of inter-university interdisciplinary doctoral study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek
    Trg Ljudevita Gaja 7
    31000 Osijek


    into 11th cohort of inter-university interdisciplinary doctoral study “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS” in academic year 2023/2024 for obtaining academic degree Doctor of Science in the area of social sciences (Ph.D.) » Read more…

  14. Gender-Smart Entrepreneurship Education and Training Plus 2.0 report published

    For anyone interested in entrepreneurship education, and especially when viewed from a gender perspective, the newly published report Gender-Smart Entrepreneurship Education and Training Plus 2.0 is very useful. The report was produced by the research team of Barbara Orser, Catherine Elliot, Amanda Elam, Candida Brush & Anita Shankar. » Read more…

  15. Invitation for PhD students, researchers and educators

    As a partner in the Start for Future project (working package Academia & Research), we are inviting you to participate in the session: New Approaches to Systemic Innovation in Europe with Dr. Marina Ranga and Prof. Dr. Klaus Sailer, on September 22nd, 2023, 14-16 CET. » Read more…

  16. New Social Contract for Universities and the role in European Innovation Ecosystem – join the session

    To doctoral students and faculty – Join the session New Social Contract for Universities and the role in European Innovation Ecosystem, which will take place over Zoom on 23rd May 2023 from 14.00 to 16 CEST. Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/2dc2k7q2

    The session is part of the  SFF Academia & Research community in the context of the Start for Future project, funded under the EIT HEI Initiative, by the EIT Urban Mobility. » Read more…

  17. Job advertisement: Assistant Professor (postdoc) with QA option (tenure track)

    The Department of Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship of the University of Klagenfurt currently has the following vacancy: Assistant Professor (postdoc) with QA option (tenure track) (all genders welcome).

    » Read more…

  18. CESEENet Workshop 2023

    CESEENet PhD Workshop 2023 in Economics, Management and Finance, organised by the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka

    Workshop will be held from June 9 to 10, 2023, in hotel Ambasador, Opatija.

    There is no CONFERENCE FEE for CESEENet PhD students. » Read more…

  19. Presentations of the research problem

    Jasmina Sladoljev, from the 2nd class, will held presentation of the research problem of her doctoral thesis under the working title Determinante i učinci inovacija na uspješnost poslovanja hotelskog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj (research problem, research questions, methodological approach) on Monday, 13 March 2023, at 12.00 CET, in room 12 at Faculty of Economics in Osijek. » Read more…

  20. Call for enrolment into 10th cohort of Postgraduate inter-university interdisciplinary study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Faculty of Economics in Osijek
    Trg Ljudevita Gaja 7
    31000 Osijek


    into 10th cohort of Postgraduate inter-university interdisciplinary study “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS” in academic year 2022/2023 for obtaining academic degree Doctor of Science in the area of social sciences (Ph.D.) » Read more…

  21. Invitation to submit a paper for the Special Issue of the Education Sciences journal

    Invitation to submit a paper for the Special Issue of the Education Sciences (an Open Access Journal by MDPI): Entrepreneurship Education Creating Impact for Societies: Known Worlds and New Frontiers. » Read more…

  22. CONGRATULATIONS to CHARLES RICHARD PLANT, Ph.D. for thesis defended at the international interuniversity interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Charles Richard Plant, Ph.D., defended his doctoral thesis “A STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVE ON ENTREPRENEURIAL PERFORMANCE AND SUCCESS”, on December 1, 2022.

    » Read more…

  23. CONGRATULATIONS to GORAN BECKER, Ph.D. for thesis defended at the international interuniversity interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Goran Becker, Ph.D., defended his doctoral thesis “DRŽAVNA JAMSTVA – DIO PODUZETNIČKOG EKOSUSTAVA MALIH I SREDNJIH PODUZEĆA”, on November 30, 2022.

    » Read more…

  24. CONGRATULATIONS to JELENA ŠIŠARA, Ph.D. for thesis defended at the international interuniversity interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Jelena Šišara, Ph.D., defended her doctoral thesis “ FAKTORI UTJECAJA NA PRISTUP IZVORIMA FINANCIRANJA I USPJEŠNOST MIKRO I MALIH PODUZEĆA”, on November 29, 2022. » Read more…

  25. 2022 Annual Meeting on the Female Sci-Tech Talent Capacity Building Center

    Our UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneurship Education at the J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia and Slavica Singer, Professor Emerita is participating in the 2022 Annual Meeting on the Female Sci-Tech Talent Capacity Building Center, Beijing, China, on November 17, 2022. » Read more…

  26. G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable 2022 Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship as Job Creation Instruments

    Professor Slavica Singer participated on 26th October 2022 in the G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable 2022 Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship as Job Creation Instruments. » Read more…

  27. Triple E Awards – Exciting Announcement!

    As a partner in the Start for Future project (through projects Tandem+, Euforia and entreTime) we are proud to share a great news that we won the award “Triple Helix Collaboration of the Year” at the 29th Triple Helix Conference, on June 28, 2022. » Read more…

  28. CONGRATULATIONS to MARKO MARTINOVIĆ, Ph.D. for thesis defended at the international interuniversity interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Marko Martinović, Ph.D., defended his doctoral thesis “Modelling innovativeness of an enterprise using intelligent data analytics”, on July 5, 2022.
    » Read more…

  29. Making Sense of the Entrepreneurial University

    Turku University – PhD defense event on Wednesday 22 June 2022 at 11.15 Croatian time (12.15 Finnish time):

    Kaisu Paasio will defend her thesis  ”Making Sense of the Entrepreneurial University”

    It’s a public defense and will be streamed – https://utu.zoom.us/s/63461421866 – The opponent will be prof Luke Pittaway from Ohio University.


    Turku University – Turku School of Economics is a partnering institution in running our doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS, and this is a great opportunity to see Kaisu’s approach to a topic which is also our research interest.

  30. Elective course Statistical Research Methods

    Additional course Statistical Research Methods (7 ECTS) – Professor Josipa Mijoč, will be held

    July 8, 2022:  15.00 – 19.00 CET

    July 9, 2022:  9.00– 13.00 CET

    Please, respond if you are interested to enroll this course, by return message to Katica Krizanovic  kkrizanovic@ices.hr BEFORE FRIDAY 24 June 2022

    Statistical Research Method – short description

    Course Objective.
    To present statistical methodology appropriate for different types of research projects in quantitative research. To explain the role of variables in defining research problems, objectives and hypotheses of the dissertation.Main topics.
    Presentation of the elements of a scientific research plan. Connecting the research phenomenon (concept) with the knowledge needed to formulate research hypotheses, collect quantitative data, perform statistical analysis, draw conclusions about the hypotheses, and discuss the limitations of the research.
    Explain the mandatory parts of the methodological framework of quantitative research.
    Types of samples for quantitative research and ways to determine them will be explained. To present an example of a possible research plan with the proposal of statistical tools for data analysis.

    Final assignment.
    Preparation of a project assignment in which the elements of the research process are written on a research problem of the doctoral student’s choice.

  31. Saras Sarasvathy, the 2022 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research laureate

    Professor Saras Sarasvathy is the 2022 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research laureate. Since its inception in 1996, this award has been established as the foremost global recognition for research on entrepreneurship. The partners behind the award are Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, the Research Institute for Industrial Economics, Vinnova (sponsor) and Lars Backsell (donor), The Prize consists of the statuette “The  Hand of God” created by Swedish sculptor Carl Milles and a Prize sum of 100.000 euros.

    » Read more…
  32. Doctoral thesis defense by Adela Has

    Adela Has will defend her doctoral thesis “Energetska učinkovitost kao potpora upravljanju zgradama javnog sektora“ on Monday, May 9, 2022 at 13.00. » Read more…

  33. Saras Sarasvathy receives the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research

    SarasvatySaras D. Sarasvathy, member of the faculty of our doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS at the J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, is the 2022 winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research, which is presented to researchers who have a strong influence on research in the field of entrepreneurship. » Read more…

  34. Doctoral programme ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS joins the CESEENet network

    ceseephdnetDoctoral programme ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS became a member of the CESEENet network, which gathers PhD programmes from Central, East and South-East Europe with the aim “to promote and facilitate cooperation” within universities from this region “in order to increase the quality of their PhD programmes.”

    Students, enrolled in different PhD programmes from this network have the possibility to participate in different courses offered by members of the network and obtain ECTS points from these courses. Also, they can broaden their research network and get new ideas and insights for their research. More information about this network and possibilities offered to students (especially list of the offered courses) is available on their website: https://ceseephd.net/

  35. Granada International Doctoral Summer School in Entrepreneurship Research (GIDSSER)

    Grenada Summer School 2022Dear colleagues,

    We are pleased to announce the openning of the call for applications to Granada International Doctoral Summer School in Entrepreneuship Research (GIDSSER), which will take place from 14th to 17th of June, 2022, in the beautiful city of Granada (Spain). The event is supported by the ECSB. » Read more…

  36. European University Association Statement on Ukraine and call for action

    EUA_logoInternational inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS is supporting and sharing the European University Association Statement on Ukraine: » Read more…

  37. Professor Saras D. Sarasvathy awarded honorary doctorate

    Professor Saras D. Sarasvathy is awarded an honorary doctorate at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden in 2022, announced on February 16th, 2022 – see  https://www.chalmers.se/en/news/Pages/Entrepreneurship-researcher-is-2022s-honorary-doctor.aspx » Read more…

  38. Webinar “Innovation of Hidden Champions in Belt and Road”

    打印Professor Slavica Singer will participate as a speaker on the webinar Innovation of Hidden Champions in Belt and Road, organised by the International Business School, Zhejiang University, China. Webinar takes place on January 19th 2022 from at 13:00- 15:00 CET. » Read more…

  39. Happy New Year

    ICES logo_ISPRDear doctoral students,

    At the end of 2021 we are still learning how to design efficient crisis management in our private and professional lives due to stubborn presence of the COVID-19 pandemic. This new normal opened so many questions, not new, but so often ignored or pushed under the carpet (solidarity, collaborative actions in order to achieve goals of obvious priority – stay alive and healthy, appreciate knowledge). » Read more…


    Cestitka 2021

  41. Call for enrolment to the doctoral study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Faculty of Economics in Osijek

    Trg Ljudevita Gaja 7
    31000 Osijek


    into 9th cohort of Postgraduate inter-university interdisciplinary study “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS” in academic year 2021/2022 for obtaining academic degree Doctor of Science in the area of social sciences (Ph.D.) » Read more…

  42. Marta-Patricia Aparicio y Montesinos – presentation of the research problem

    Marta-Patricia Aparicio y Montesinos, from the 7th class, will present the proposal for her doctoral thesis under the working title From Prospective to Active Business Angels (research problem, research questions, methodological approach) on Monday, 13 December, 2021 at 14.00 CET (virtual). » Read more…

  43. Webinar Think Small First: New business models for the 21st century

    This next SIEF webinar is looking at how Covid has prompted the development of new ways of doing things in response, but also to think about how best we take account of issues such as social impact, the climate emergency and the need for small businesses to go beyond just merely surviving the pandemic.

    Besides looking at how how entrepreneurs have pivoted their businesses in these corona times, our panel will also explore how technology – artificial intelligence, big data, online bots and visualisation technologies etc. – is opening up ways to adapt and respond to market opportunities post-Covid. » Read more…

  44. G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable 2021

    On October 13, 2021, Professor Slavica Singer, UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneurship Education, J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, participated as the moderator of the topic Women entrepreneurship in the digital economy at the G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable 2021: Reshape the Paradigm of Entrepreneurship and Employment in the Era of Digital Revolution, Beijing, China. » Read more…

  45. CONGRATULATIONS to MIA HOCENSKI, Ph.D. for thesis defended at the international interuniversity interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Mia Hocenski, Ph.D., defended her doctoral thesis “Students’ Career Adaptability and Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Mediating Role of Emotional Regulation and Control”, on October 14, 2021. Mentor of doctoral thesis: Prof. Zoran Sušanj, PhD., University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. » Read more…

  46. Doctoral thesis defense by Mia Hocenski

    Mia Hocenski will defend her doctoral thesis “Students’ Career Adaptability and Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Mediating Role of Emotional Regulation and Control” on Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 18.15. The event will be virtual, using Zoom platform. » Read more…

  47. Presentation of the research problem

    efosAuwal M. Isah, from the 4th class, will present the proposal for his doctoral thesis under the working title Gender Differences in Early-Stage Entrepreneurship: Issues and inclusion in Northern Nigeria companies (research problem, research questions, methodological approach) on Friday, September 17, 2021 at 13.30 CET (virtual). (The event was rescheduled due to the misunderstandings about the time.)

  48. Saras Sarasvathy on effectuation, entrepreneurship and pandemic

    SarasvatyNew event in the SIEF series of webinars and events held to build on the ideas of Professor Allan Gibb (1939-2019) who was a pioneering thinker in entrepreneurship and small business development is focusing on Professor Saras Sarasvathy’s effectuation theory. » Read more…

  49. Reimagining Our Futures: Think Small First SIEF – Series 2, Webinar No. 3

    Gibb-webinar-series-3Webinar topic: “Business growth, scale and emergence in corona times and beyond”

    It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in Series 2, Webinar No. 3 inspired by the ideas of Professor Allan Gibb (1939 – 2019).
    Supported by the OECD and St Aidan’s College, Durham University, this event is hosted by the Societal Innovation and Enterprise Forum (SIEF). » Read more…

  50. Presentation of the research problem

    efosAuwal Isah, from the 4th class, will present the proposal for his doctoral thesis under the working title Gender Differences in Early-Stage Entrepreneurship: Issues and inclusion in Northern Nigeria companies (research problem, research questions, methodological approach) on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 12.00 CET (virtual). » Read more…

  51. Apply for ECSB Post-Doctoral Paper Development Workshop and David Smallbone Mid-Career Faculty Consortium at RENT 2021

    ECSBRENT 2021 will be organised on 17-19 November 2021 in Turku, Finland. 17 November will be the ECSB pre-conference day when various workshops will take place. The call is still open for the ECSB Post-Doctoral Paper Development Workshop and David Smallbone Mid-Career Faculty Consortium. Read more below and send your application by 15 July 2021. » Read more…

  52. Think Small First: SIEF webinar series on the entrepreneurial small business

    Gibb webinar series 2021Below is the link to the video of the first webinar in Series 2 on the topic of ‘hunkering down or opening up new horizons for SMEs post-Covid’. https://youtu.be/kzCQ9Af4KjQ

    Our excellent panel considered the challenges for small businesses during the pandemic and beyond, with discussion on: » Read more…

  53. RENT 2021 Conference

    rent 2014Dear colleagues,

    RENT 2021 will be organised on 17-19 November 2021 in Turku, Finland. The abstract submission deadline has already passed but there calls for the ECSB pre-conference events on 17 November are still open. No fee is charged for participation in the pre-conference events but participation in the RENT Conference is compulsory.

    Please consider attending one or more of the interesting activities and kindly also share information to your PhD students and colleagues. » Read more…

  54. Presentation of the research problem

    ICES logo_ISPRSofija Turjak, from the 5th class, will present the proposal for her doctoral thesis under the working title Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and guidelines for changes in environmental governance of Europe and companies (research problem, research questions, methodological approach) on Thursday, June 10th 2021, at 12.00 CET (virtual). » Read more…

  55. Prof. Saras Sarasvathy’s DREAM session at Doctoral Program Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness

    20210429_165200Prof. Saras Sarasvathy had a last discussion DREAM session with doctoral students on April 29th 2021. Students presented their research topics (problem, research design), Prof. Sarasvathy faced them with critical questions and it was a very vibrant learning experience. See some photos from this event. » Read more…

  56. Opportunities and Challenges of Women Entrepreneurship in Digital Economy webinar

    Will digitalization beat gender gaps FtWith a speech titled “Will digitalization beat gender gaps” Professor Singer participated as a speaker at the webinar on the Opportunities and Challenges of Women Entrepreneurship in Digital Economy, organized by the Entrepreneurship Research Center on the G20 Economies (based at the Tsinghua University, Beijing, China), on April 28th 2021.

    Four of our doctoral students (Danijela Ciberlin, Ružica Stanić, Katica Križanović and Borna Buljan) participated in the event as well. Newsletter covering the event. » Read more…

  57. Reimagining Our Futures: SIEF Webinar Series 2 Inspired by the Ideas of Professor Allan Gibb

    Gibb webinar series 2021A webinar series to celebrate Allan Gibb’s ideas on entrepreneurship and small businesses set in the context of our responses to Covid-19.
    Professor Allan Gibb OBE (1939-2019) was an inspirational pioneer in the field of Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Development for 50 years.
    This series of webinars stem from Allan’s teaching and writing. They will be followed by a day conference in Durham in early 2022 when we will celebrate Allan’s work and thinking. » Read more…

  58. Workshop held by Dr. Cesare Antonio Fabio Riillo: A researcher’s experience using GEM data – from the first idea to publication at International inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Dr. Riillo, Senior Applied Economist at STATEC Research, National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and a very experienced GEM researcher, held a 5-hour workshop (run over the course of two days – April 8 and 9, 2021) focused on the journey from the first research idea to publication, using GEM data. » Read more…


    Information to our doctoral students – be fast and enroll in the online EXCLUSIVE ECSB-DOCTORAL WORKSHOP ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, 23rd June 2021. It is a great opportunity for our doctoral students in the early stages of their research to participate as a way of launching themselves into the international research community. Take care about the deadlines. » Read more…

  60. Presentation of the research problem (virtual) – Domagoj Racic, Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 17.00 CET

    efosDomagoj Racic, from the 6th class, will present the proposal for his doctoral thesis under the working title Transformation of the post-socialist firm: the case of Croatia (research problem, research questions, methodological approach) on Wednesday, 31 March 2021, at 17.00 CET. » Read more…

  61. Reimagining Our Futures, a SIEF Webinar Series Inspired by the Ideas of Professor Allan Gibb

    Reimagining Our Futures Webinar No 4Webinar topic: “Universities as partnership models for driving positive change”

    It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the fourth Webinar inspired by the ideas of Professor Allan Gibb (1939 – 2019).

    Supported by the OECD and St Aidan’s College, Durham University, UK and hosted by the Societal Innovation and Enterprise Forum (SIEF).

    Date: Friday February 12th, 2021
    Time: 12.00 noon – 13.45 UK time / 13.00 – 14.45 Amsterdam time » Read more…

  62. Doctoral thesis defense by Iva Senegović

    CONGRATULATIONS to IVA SENEGOVIĆ, Ph.D.  for thesis defended at the international interuniversity interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS. » Read more…

  63. Professor Slavica Singer winner of the European Entrepreneurship Education Award

    Professor Slavica Singer, Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, University of Osijek, is the winner of this year’s The European Entrepreneurship Education Award. » Read more…

  64. Call for enrolment to the doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Faculty of Economics in Osijek
    Trg Ljudevita Gaja 7
    31000 Osijek


    Into 8th cohort of International postgraduate  inter-university interdisciplinary (doctoral) program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS in academic year 2020/2021 for obtaining academic degree doctor of science in the field of social sciences (Ph.D.) » Read more…

  65. Doctoral thesis defense – Iva Senegović

    Iva Senegović will defend her doctoral thesis “Scenario analysis in the function of predicting the future of generational transition in family” on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 11.30. The event will be virtual, using Zoom platform. » Read more…





    Location: University of Agder

    August 3-6, 2021

    Submission Deadline: March 1st, 2021

  67. Happy Holidays

  68. Webinar Series in Honour of Professor Allan Gibb

    Societal Innovation and Enterprise Forum (SIEF) organised a series of four webinars in honour of Professor Allan Gibb (1939-2019), whose aim is to recall the basic concepts of Gibb’s research, and link them to the current situation, the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behaviour in responding to the challenges brought about by this crisis. Thematically, webinars cover Professor Gibb’s research areas and are based on his scientific and professional papers. » Read more…

  69. Michael Porter replies to Slavica’s question

    porter_singer_pfeifer 8 Dec 2020Slavica Singer and Sanja Pfeifer with Suncica Oberman Peterka and Julia Peric participated in the 2020 virtual meeting of the Affiliate Network of the Harvard Business School, held from Dec. 7-9. On Professor Porter’s introduction there were 215 participants from 60 countries virtually connected. Professor Singer suggested a joint project on developing indicators for multidimensional measuring of UN sustainable development goals, which Professor Porter supported. » Read more…

  70. Virtual presentation of the research problem – Jelena Šišara

    (Factors of influence on assess to sources of financing and performance of start-up companies) » Read more…

  71. Singapore – Croatia business dialogue

    SingaporeThursday, December 3, 2020 12.00 – 13.30 CET – it is open for up to 30 participants, primarily to our former and current doctoral students – please confirm your participation before Monday, November 30, 2020 on kkrizanovic@ices.hr (Katica Krizanovic, Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku). Confirmed participants will get the Zoom link on December 1, 2020. » Read more…

  72. Virtual presentation of the research problem – Dragan Kopecki

    (Paradigm of unity – innovative concept in economy of communion businesses)
    » Read more…

  73. G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable 2020 “Policies and Actions to Promote Entrepreneurship in the Post-pandemic Era”

    Professor Slavica Singer participated as a keynote speaker at the G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable 2020 “Policies and Actions to Promote Entrepreneurship in the Post-pandemic Era”, organized in Beijing, China by the Entrepreneurship Research Center on G20 Economies and Tsinghua University, on 22nd October 2020. » Read more…

  74. Reimagining Our Futures: Inaugural Webinar Series inspired by the Ideas of Professor Allan Gibb

    Theme #2: Re-designing entrepreneurial learning around problems – to be held on Friday, 23 October 2020 at 12.00 noon – 13.30 UK time* (13:00 – 14:30 Zagreb time)

    You can still register via this Eventbrite link – https://bit.ly/3jzwhLT » Read more…

  75. Webinar Invitation: “Re-designing entrepreneurial learning around problems and issues”

    Invitation – Dear doctoral students, it is our pleasure to invite you to the webinar “Re-designing entrepreneurial learning around problems and issues” (read more here)
    Hosted by the Societal Innovation and Enterprise Forum (SIEF), St Aidan’s College, Durham University, UK.

    » Read more…

  76. Slavica Singer – a recommendation: The Social Dilemma (on Netflix)

    As doctoral students whose primary obligation is a search for truth, the documentary film The Social Dilemma opens very crucial questions about the data and critical questioning.

    In the time of informational tsunami provided by the social media, issues of differentiating between true and fake news, distrust in data, how to come to shared views on data, how to reconcile different definitions of any phenomenon backed with different set of data in order to satisfy expectations of different target groups… are at the core of the discussion on the future of democracy. » Read more…

  77. Virtual presentation of a research problem

    It is a pleasure to inform you about the virtual presentation of a research problem:

    July 3, 2020 – 17.15 – 18.15 (Canada – 6 hours) Vlado Walter Veckie – presentation of the research problem “Economic Beneficence of the Third Age Generation” to the panel (Slavica Singer, Sanja Pfeifer, Natasa Sarlija, Suncica Oberman Peterka)

    Let us know if you want to join this event, by Thursday July 2nd 14.00 (Croatian time) and Katica (kkrizanovic@ices.hr) will send you the link.

  78. Welcome 7th class

    Dear 7th class – Hiroko, Marta-Patricia, Ken, Marijana, Natasa, Tamara, Dino and Borna – WELCOME.

    with you we are starting our joint experience of NEW NORMAL, which is emerging from COVID-19 » Read more…

  79. Diversities, tolerance on differences, solidarity, collaboration… where are those words in our everyday’s doings, on private and professional level?

    Freigtening last 8 minutes and 46 seconds of George Floyd’s life urged people around the world to express their feelings about so many unfinished businesses (inequalities in access to health, education, opportunities, decent work and decent life). » Read more…

  80. Doctoral thesis defending events at Doctoral Study Entrepreneurship & Innovativeness

    On Friday, March 27th 2020 there will be two doctoral thesis defending events:

    At 10:00, Tihana Koprivnjak: Internationalization of small and medium enterprises in Croatia: challenges, prerequisites and patterns
    At 12.00, Petra Mezulić Juric: Acquisitive Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

    Due to unexpected circumstances caused by coronavirus, both events will be conducted online, and in Croatian language.

  81. Enrolment into 7th cohort of Postgraduate doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS

    Faculty of Economics in Osijek
    Trg Ljudevita Gaja 7
    31000 Osijek


    Into 7th cohort of Postgraduate international inter-university interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS
    for obtaining academic degree doctor of science in the field of social sciences (Ph.D.) » Read more…

  82. Invitation for submission of papers for the 3E Conference

    Invitation for submission of papers for the 3E Conference – ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference in Trondheim, Norway on 13-15 May, 2020 https://3e2020.org/

    Through an innovative and non-traditional format, the 3E Conference establishes a new paradigm for entrepreneurship conferences. » Read more…

  83. Professor Slavica Singer participated at UNESCO High Level Meeting on inclusion and mobility in Higher Education

    On November 13, 2019, professor Slavica Singer, Head of the UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneurship Education at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, participated as the University’s representative at the High Level Meeting on inclusion and mobility in Higher Education, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

  84. Presentation of research questions – 8 November 13:00 – 16:00 CET

    It is the first time to have three of our doctoral students presenting their research questions as potential topics for their doctoral thesis to the review committee (Slavica Singer, Sanja Pfeifer, Nataša Šarlija and Sunčica Oberman Peterka)  – a real pleasure to be a part of this event. » Read more…

  85. Microeconomics of Competitiveness at the Doctoral Programme Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness

    Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC) was the topic of discussion with our doctoral students on 27-28 September. The course was created in 2002 by Professor Michael Porter. Being a member of MOC Affiliate Network of more than 100 educational institutions around the world (attached to the Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness at the Harvard Business School) that teach the MOC curriculum, we enjoyed discussing the core concepts of competitiveness and creating shared values, using diamond model as analytical approach. » Read more…

  86. Young economists’ competition 2019

    The 2019 ECB Forum on Central Banking focuses on “20 years of European Economic and Monetary Union”. PhD students are invited to submit papers on the future of the EMU. We would appreciate receiving papers addressing one of the below topics: economic growth within EMU in the context of globalisation and digitalisation; the impact of demographic changes and migration on economic growth within EMU; macroeconomic convergence within EMU. » Read more…

  87. New Vacancy for a junior economist in Luxembourg

    New vacancy for a junior economist in Luxembourg is available – through our collaboration in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) consortium.
    This is an opportunity for broadening your statistical knowledge, especially in the field of using the GEM database.

    Job description

  88. Extended deadline for enrollment into 6th cohort of doctoral study “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS”

    Extended deadline for enrollment into 6th cohort of international inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral study “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS” for obtaining academic degree doctor of science in the field of social sciences (Ph.D.) until March 1, 2019. » Read more…

  89. Call for enrolment into international inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral study “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS”



    Faculty of Economics in Osijek
    Trg Ljudevita Gaja 7
    31000 Osijek


    into 6th cohort of international inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral study “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS” for obtaining academic degree doctor of science in the field of social sciences (Ph.D.)  » Read more…

  90. Entrepreneurship Research Utilizing GEM Data: Workshop and Ph.D. Course

    October 15-19, 2018, at Yeditepe University, Istanbul, to be led by Thomas Schøtt assisted by Ye Liu.

    Purpose and content

    The purpose of the workshop is to train GEM-researchers in analysis of GEM-data for international publication. Training focuses on specifying hypotheses, testing them statistically, and reporting results for academic and policy audiences.


    More information …

  91. RENT XXXII Conference Toledo


    will take place in Toledo, Spain on November  (14) 15-16, 2018

    The main theme of the 2018 conference is

    “Sustainable entrepreneurship: A win-win strategy for the future” » Read more…

  92. Petra Mezulić Juric obranila završni rad

    Petra Mezulić Juric, studentica 17. generacije Poslijediplomskog studija Poduzetništvo, stekla je akademski naziv sveučilišni specijalist ekonomije (univ.spec.oec.).  Pred stručnim Povjerenstvom u sastavu: prof.dr.sc. Sanja Pfeifer (predsjednica), izv.prof.dr.sc. Mirela Alpeza (mentor), izv.prof.dr.sc. Sunčica Oberman Peterka, (član) i Adela Has (zapisničar), naša je kolegica Petra obranila završni rad naslovljen “Izazovi prijenosa poslovanja u malim i srednjim produzećima”. » Read more…

  93. Professional Development Workshops (PDWs)


    November 15, 2017 at 13.15–17:00
    Lund School of Economics and Management

    Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) were included in the programme of the RENT pre-conference day for the first time at RENT XXIX in Zagreb 2015. The concept proved to be successful and PDWs are now part of the pre-conference day. » Read more…
  94. Professor Slavica Singer’s blog at the page of European Entrepreneurship Education NETwork

    We are presenting the link to Professor Slavica Singer’s article Entrepreneurship education – time to make a leap, which is published at the European Entrepreneurship Education NETwork’s blog – http://www.ee-hub.eu/blog/352-national-policy-framework/88-entrepreneurship-education-time-to-make-a-leap.html


  95. Qualitative Method in Entrepreneurial Research course held (Ulla Hytti, Ph.D., University of Turku)

    On March 23-25, 2017, professor Ulla Hytti from the University of Turku held lectures of the Qualitative Method in Entrepreneurial Research course at the Doctoral study Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness.  » Read more…

  96. World Finance & Banking Symposium – Call for Papers



    December, 14th-15th, 2017
    Location: NIDA Business School
    Submission Deadline: APRIL 30th, 2017



    » Read more…

  97. Tihana Kraljić Defends Doctoral Dissertation

    Tihana Kraljić, dipl.oec., student of the 1st cohort of the International postgraduate interdisciplinary inter-university doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS is a new Doctor of Science (Ph.D.). » Read more…

  98. Vladimir Grebenar Defends Doctoral Dissertation

    Vladimir Grebenar, univ.spec.oec., student of the 1st cohort of the International postgraduate interdisciplinary inter-university doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS is a new Doctor of Science (Ph.D.). » Read more…

  99. Katarina Štavlić Defends Doctoral Dissertation

    Katarina Štavlić, univ.spec.oec.,
     student of the 1st cohort of the International postgraduate interdisciplinary inter-university doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS is a new Doctor of Science (Ph.D.). » Read more…

  100. Triple Helix model course to be held on November 28-29, 2014

    doktorski studijDr. Marina Ranga, Senior Researcher, H-Star Institute Stanford University, CA, USA, will hold the lecture Triple Helix model on November, 28 and 29 at Faculty of Economics in Osijek for students of doctoral program Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness. More about the lecturer you can find here » Read more…

  101. OSC predstavlja #3: od predstavnika UX Passiona, ZIMO Digitala i WTFJeansa saznajte kakav je bio njihov put do uspjeha!

     Nakon prva dva zbivanja iz serije OSC predstavlja i ljetnog predaha, vrijeme je za treće izdanje i nove poslovne priče. OSC predstavlja #3 održat će se u utorak, 23. rujna 2014. godine na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Osijeku u dvorani 3 (prizemlje), u vremenu od 17:30 do 19:00 h. Zbivanje je organizirano od strane udruge Osijek Software City, a namijenjeno je svima onima koji su zainteresirani za financiranje i razvoj poslovnog pothvata, samozapošljavanje, rad s klijentima, prepreke u poslovanju i put do uspjeha tvrtki i startupa. » Read more…

  102. |CALL FOR PAPERS| Social Innovations: Theoretical and Practical Insights

    CALL FOR PAPERS: Social Innovations: Theoretical and Practical Insights

    October 23-24, 2014
    Ateities str. 20, LT-08303
    Vilnius, Lithuania


    Social innovations are processes where social, public policy and economy is developed by the creation of new ideas, products, services, and business models for a strong and sustained development. The social innovations concept envolves several spheres of knowledge, from Justice and human rights aspects to social technologies, sustainable development in a global changing environment, life quality and values. This multidisciplinary approach allow to integrate several spheres of knowledge and link social, economical and environment, and create basis for a common understand among the different disciplines. The discussion of the different disciplines in a common ground is fundamental for a wide understanding of the problems that affects the society in a local, regional and global context, facilitating the creation and implementation of ideas and solutions towards sustainability.

    » Read more…


    November 19, 2014


    Associate Professor Dr. Steffen Korsgaard (Aarhus University, Denmark)
    Assistant Professor Dr. Martin Hannibal (Southern Danish University)
    Professor Dr. Helle Neergaard (Aarhus University, Denmark)

    The pre-conference Doctoral Seminar has been a very successful tradition at RENT. It represents a unique opportunity for European doctoral students to present their thesis proposals and obtain useful insight into how their work can be improved and progressed as well as an opportunity for bouncing ideas off on experienced faculty. The seminar also facilitates the exchange of research experiences and new ideas in the fields of entrepreneurship and small business. The ECSB Doctoral Seminar is truly a meeting place for both new and experienced researchers from all over Europe and an ideal place to start networking. We particularly encourage students in the early stages of their research to participate as a way of launching themselves into the international research community. » Read more…


    University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg


    November 19, 2014

    Have you recently finished your PhD Thesis in entrepreneurship and the small business field and are now wondering what’s coming next? Do you want to learn more about publishing your research? Do you need advice on your latest research proposal or an article you are working on? Do you want to set up (international) research collaborations, and are looking for collaborators? Do you want to give a fillip to your career opting for the PDWW AWARD? Join us at the next RENT post-doctoral writing workshop! » Read more…


    Dear ECSB member,

    Let me remind you that the submission deadline for RENT XXVIII Conference is May 17

    The deadline for the Doctoral Seminar on Ent and SMEs is on 17th of June.

    The application deadline for the Post-Doctoral writing workshop is on 1st of June.
    http://www.rent-research.org/default.asp?iId=GGGLLL » Read more…

  106. Enrollment in Postgraduate Doctoral Study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS





    for the 3rd cohort  of international inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral study „ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS“  in academic year 2013/2014 for obtaining academic degree doctor of science in the field of social sciences (Ph.D.) » Read more…

  107. Zvonimir Glavaš – University Specialist in Entrepreneurship

    Zvonimir Glavaš, student of the tenth class of GPE successfully defended the final paper entitled “Development of Entrepreneurial Ventures with Application of Scientific Methods”. The final paper was defended before the committee of professors, comprised of: Sunčica Oberman Peterka, Ph.D., chairwoman, Mane Medić, Ph.D., member and mentor, and Mirna Leko Šimić, Ph.D., member. Defence took place at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek on February 13, 2014.

  108. Dominik Benko Defends Final Thesis

    Today (December 9, 2013) a successful defence of final thesis took place at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. Dominik Benko, student of the 11th cohort of GPE is a new university specialist in entrepreneurship (univ.spec.oec.). Dominik has successfully defended his final thesis titled “Implementation of Elements of Entrepreneurship in a Changing Environment”. The thesis was defended before the committee of professors, consisting of:  Sunčica Oberman Peterka, Ph.D., chairwoman, Mirna Leko Šimić, Ph.D, member and mentor, and Anamarija Delić, Ph.D., member. Congratulations!

  109. Round Table – From Science to Business – Experience of the Leiden University

    Round table From Science to Business – Experience of the Leiden University, the Nederlands was held yesterday in the hall of the Rectorate of the J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek. The aim of the round table is to encourage activities in creating effective Triple Helix concept, or what can university do for the development of the region, through the transfer of intellectual property to the business sector, particularly in the STEM area (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). There are plans to organize such a round table about enterprising universities in the Triple Helix concept in collaboration with CEPOR (Centre for Entrepreneurship in Zagreb) with participation of rectors of all the universities in Croatia. » Read more…

  110. Marina Jeger Defends Doctoral Dissertation

    Marina Jeger has sucessfully defended her doctoral dissertation entitled EFFECTUATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTIONS before the committee of professors consisting of Sunčica Oberman Peterka, Ph.D., Sanja Pfeifer, Ph.D. and Zoran Sušanj, Ph.D. Marina is the first student to obtain the title Doctor of Science at the Doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS. Defence of the dissertation was held on July 13, 2013 at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. We wish Marina a lot of success in both private and professional endeavours!
  111. Ivančica Kusić, University Specialist in Entrepreneurship

    Ivančica Kusić, student of the tenth class of GPE earned the title university specialist in entrepreneurship. She successfully defended the final paper entitled “Importance of Entrepreneurial Thinking and Behaviour for Competitiveness and Growth of Individual and organisation”. The final paper was defended before the committee of professors, comprised of: Slavica Singer, professor emeritus, chairwoman, Sunčica Oberman Peterka, Ph.D., member and mentor, and Sanja Pfeifer, Ph.D., member. Defence took place at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek on June 6, 2013.

  112. Honorary Title Professor Emeritus awarded to Slavica Singer and Josip Planinić

    Central celebration of the Day of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek (Dies Academicus) was held yesterday at the assembly hall of the Agricultural Faculty, within which formal session of University Senate and other side events were organised. “Dies Academicus is traditionally a day of gathering of the academic community and this formal session is dedicated to it. Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek was founded in 1975, and today it is in its 38th academic year and in 306th year of higher education in Osijek. » Read more…

  113. Start of the 1st semester for the second cohort of doctoral students

    The 1st semester for students of the second cohort of International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness has begun last week. The semester was started with lectures from the course Theoretical Foundations of Entrepreneurship, taught by Slavica Singer, PhD.  Lectures were held at the Faculty of Economics on April 18-20, 2013.

  114. Study Visit by Thailand Students

    On Monday, March 11th, a group of students from the Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand who attend International MBA Program (KIMBA) at the Faculty of Business Administration, has arrived to a seven-day visit to Croatia and Osijek. A total of thirteen students took part in the visit (photogalery), led by professor Nirundon Tapachai. Schedule of the Osijek visit included a conversation with dean Željko Turkalj, Ph.D., who presented the work of the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, which was followed by a meeting and discussion with graduate students, with moderation of professors Slavica Singer, Ph.D. and Sunčica Oberman Peterka, Ph.D.

    » Read more…

  115. 10th Graduation Ceremony of Masters of Science

    Tenth graduation ceremony of Masters of Science of the Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship took place on March 02, 2013 at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. The following students were promoted: Vatroslav Barišić, Marijana Bošnjak, Mario Brekalo, Marija Cerančević, Roland Cinkopan, Antonija Čalić, Gordana Ćorić, Predrag Dotlić, Simona Goldstein, Sandra Grabar Blažević, Irena Grudić, Darija Ivanković, Eduard Kuzma, Petar Leko, Zvonko Liović, Mirta Matešić, Edo Musser, Mirna Obreman, Nisveta Osmić, Zoran Palcer, Svjetlana Petrović, Nives Poljak, Mario Sedlaček, Iva Senegović, Domagoj Soukup, Hrvoje Škrtić, Dragan Špoljarić and Vedrana Tomašević. Diplomas to new Masters of Science were presented by the Dean Željko Turkalj, Ph.D., Vice-dean Vladimir Cini, Ph.D., and Sanja Pfeifer, Ph.D. The guest speaker at the graduation ceremony was Vitomira Lončar, Ph.D., actress, producer, director and one of the founders of the “Mala scena” theatre, and assistant professor at the Department of Production of the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb.

  116. International Enterprise Educators Programme – IEEP

    National Council for Entrepreneurship Education  (NCEE) and  Entrepreneurs Educators (EEUK) organize the 2013/14 International Enterprise Educators Programme – IEEP. NCEE and EEUK have worked together to develop the programme responding to key evaluation findings and feedback from IEEP Fellows to ensure that the new programme continues to meet the needs of enterprise educators in an increasingly demanding environment. The first step to joining IEEP 2013/14 is to attend a 1 day introductory workshops taking place in February and March.  We are now recruiting for these free sessions, which can be attended as a standalone introduction to enterprise education or as a foundation to IEEP.  Further information about the foundation days and IEEP 2013/14 is on our website: http://www.ncee.org.uk/news/89

  117. Oto Wilhelm, university specialist in entrepreneurship

    Oto Wilhelm, student of the tenth class and Distance Learning Coordinator of Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship, earned the title university specialist in entrepreneurship. Oto successfully defended the final paper entitled “The Significance of Idea in the Entrepreneurial Process”. The final paper was defended on January 24, 2013 at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek before the committee of professors, comprised of Sanja Pfeifer,Ph.D., chairwoman, Sunčica Oberman Peterka, Ph.D., member and mentor, and Nataša Šarlija, Ph.D., member. Sincere congratulations!

  118. New Masters of Science of GPE

    On 27-29 December 2012 at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek several defenses of scientific master theses were held. The following students of Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship have been awarded the Master of Science title: Zoran Palcer – 1st class of GPE, Edo Musser and Domagoj Soukup – 2nd class, Dragan Špoljarić – 3rd class, Marija Cerančević – 4th class, Hrvoje Škrtić – 5th class, Svjetlana Petrović – 6th class, Mario Brekalo and Petar Leko – 7th class, and Vatroslav Barišić, Gordana Ćorić and Simona Goldstein – 9th class. Sincere congratulations to everyone!

  119. Authentic Leadership – Guest Lecturer Marian Holienka

    Marian Holienka, doctoral student at Comenius University in Bratislava and GEM Slovakia team member held a guest lecture Within the course Authentic Leadership, taught at the second semester of Graduate Specialist Program in Entrepreneurship. Marian presented a comparison of entrepreneurial activity in Croatia and Slovakia according to the GEM research to students of the fifteenth class of GPE. Presentation was held at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek on November 08, 2012.

  120. M.Sc. Mirta Matešić

    Today (october 29, 2012) defence of a Master’s thesis was held at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. Student of the 4th class of GPE and coordinator of specialist and doctoral studies, Mirta Matešić, sucessfuly defended her thesis entitled “Transformation of Art Project to Entrepreneurial Venture”. Master’s thesis was defended before the committee of professors consisting of Marcel Meler, Ph.D., chairman, Slavica Singer, Ph.D., member and mentor and Sunčica Oberman Peterka, Ph.D., member. We congratulate Mirta and wish her a lot of success in private and professional endeavors!

  121. Qualitative Methods in Entrepreneurial Research

    Last week (October 25-27,2012), lectures from the course Qualitative Methods in Entrepreneurial Researchwere held within the Doctoral study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS. Lectures for the first class of doctoral students were held by Ulla Hytti, Ph.D. from University of Turku, Finland.

  122. Influence of Effectuation on Development of Entrepreneurial Intentions

    Marina Jeger, student of the first class of the Doctoral study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS, on October 25, 2012 at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek presented her research problem and design of research of the topic of doctoral dissertation. Presentation of the topic under the working title “Influence of Effectuation on Development of Entrepreneurial Intention” was held before the committee of professors consisting of Slavica Singer, Ph.D., Sanja Pfeifer, Ph.D. and Suncica Oberman Peterka, Ph.D., doctoral students and teachers.

  123. Technopreneurship

    On October 18-20, 2012 lectures in obligatory course Technopreneurship were held at the Faculty of Economis in Osijek. Lectures were held by Harmen Jousma, Ph.d. from Leiden University, Netherlands. The course is taught as part of the programme at the Doctoral study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS.

  124. “Lean Principles” for the 15th Class of Postgraduates

    Within the second semester at GPE, Karl McKraken (Newcastle, UK) on September 27-29, 2012 held lectures from the course Operational Management. Karl presented examples of good practice of small and medium entrepreneurs from South East England in application of “Lean Principles” in the conduct of business, and students were introduced to the process through an improvised workshop. In short, “Lean Principles” entail continuous rationalisation of business processes, establishment and application of quality standards, improval of internal communication through use of visual management, and the continuous aspiration for improvement of the business system.

  125. Mirna Oberman Sucessfully Defends Scientific Master’s Thesis

    A successful defence of a scientific Master’s degree was held at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek on Thursday, September 13, 2012. Mirna Oberman, student of the 9th class of Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship defended her Master’s thesis entitled “From Self-employment to a Growing Company” and was awarded the title of Master of Science. Master’s thesis was defended before the committee of professors consisting of Sanja Pfeifer, Ph.D., chairwoman, Slavica Singer, Ph.D., member and mentor and Marijan karić, Ph.D., member. Congratulations!

  126. Anamarija Delić Defends Doctoral Dissertation

    Anamarija Delić, student of the 3rd class of Graduate program in Entrepreneurship and lecturer at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek has defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “Factors in making decisions on structure of capital of small and medium enterprises in underdeveloped financial markets“. Dissertation was defended on September 12, 2012 at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek before the committee of professors consisting of Slavica Singer, Ph.D, chairwoman, Stipan Penavin, Ph.D., member and mentor, and Nataša Šarlija, Ph.D., member. Sincere congratulations!

  127. International Summer Academy – 3EP Successfully Held in Osijek

    Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, together with international partners (National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education, United Kingdom, Turku School of Economics, Finland, and Aarhus Entrepreneurship Centre, Denmark) organized six-day international summer academy from August 26-31, 2012. Summer academy is part of the European Entrepreneurship Educators Programme (3EP) project, co-financed with funds from the European Union Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) in the 2010-2012 period.  The project aims to increase the number of participants in entrepreneurship education at universities and improve the image of entrepreneurship in society, the attractiveness of entrepreneurship as a career, as well as to encourage creativity and innovation in education and training. » Read more…

  128. Start of the International Summer School – 3EP

    The third summer academy for university teachers who are involved in entrepreneurial teaching is taking place in Osijek on August 26-31, 2012 at the Faculty of Economics. The third international summer academy is organised by the International Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies (ICES) at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Faculty of Economics, and international partners National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education from the UK, Turku School of Economics from Finland and Aarhus Entrepreneurship Centre from Denmark). Summer international academy for university professors who teach entrepreneurial courses or want to include entrepreneurial competencies into their courses is part of the project European Entrepreneurship Educators Programme (3EP), which is co-financed by the EU Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) in the 2010-2012 period.  » Read more…

  129. Successful defences of Final and Master’s Theses

    On July 16, 2012 at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, two successful defences of a Final and a Masters’s thesis were held. By defending his thesis entitled “Developing Competitiveness of a Small Enterprise” Mladen Mamić, student of the 10th class of Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship, has received the title of university specialist in entrepreneurship. Dijana Ferković, student of the 7th class has defended her scientific master’s thesis entitled “Self-employment as an Exit from Social Exclusion” and was awarded the title of Master of Science. Congratulations!

  130. Lectures from the Marketing Theory Course

    On May 15-16, 2012 lectures from the elective course Marketing Theory were held at the faculty of Economics in Osijek. Course is a part of the doctoral study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS. Lectures were held by professor Marcel Meler, Ph.D.

  131. Survey Method & Entrepreneurial Research

    On June 07-09, 2012 lectures from the course Survey Method & Entrepreneurial Research were held at the Doctoral Study ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATIVENESS. Lectures for the first generation of doctoral students were held at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek by Pia Arenius, Ph.D. from University of Turku, Finland.

  132. Tatjana Pernarčić – univ.spec.oec.

    Tatjana Pernarčić, student of the 12th class of Graduate program in Entrepreneurship, has received the title of university specialist in entrepreneurship. She successfully defended her final thesis entitled “The Influence of Crisis on Behaviour of Entrepreneurs in Croatia”. The final thesis was defended on June 8, 2012, at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek before the committee of professors consisting of Stipan Penavin, Ph.D., chairman, Nataša Šarlija, Ph.D., member and mentor and Slavica Singer, Ph.D., member. Congratulations!

  133. 3EP International Summer School in Osijek, Croatia, 26-31 August, 2012.

    Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, together with international partners (National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education from United Kingdom, Turku School of Economics from Finland, Aarhus Entrepreneurship Centre from Denmark) organizes six-day international summer school from 26-31 August, 2012.  The summer school is intended for teachers of higher education institutions who teach entrepreneurial courses or who want to incorporate content that builds entrepreneurial competence into their courses. » Read more…

  134. Roland Cinkopan Defends Master’s Thesis

    New public defence of scientific Master’s thesis took place today (May 14, 2012) at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. Roland Cinkopan, student of the 5th class of GPE defended his thesis entitled “Education as an Important Factor of Entrepreneurial Success of a Company”. The thesis was defended before the committee of professors consisting of Slavica Singer, Ph.D., chairwoman, Mane Medić, Ph.D., member and mentor, and Drago Ružić, Ph.D., member. Congratulations!

  135. Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Funds, 2nd part

    Last Friday and Saturday (May 11-12, 2012) lectures within the course Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Funds at the doctoral study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS took place. The second part of lectures was held by Marijan Karić, Ph.D. and Nataša Šarlija, Ph.D.

  136. Strossmayer University to Compete in 2012 Values and Ventures Business Plan Competition

    FORT WORTH, Texas (April 11, 2012) – A team of undergraduate students from Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek will compete against students from 21 universities around world, April 19-20, 2012, at the Neeley School of Business at TCU, for the best business plan that incorporates values, ethics and service into a for-profit business. The Richards Barrentine Values and Ventures Business Plan Competition encourages undergraduate business students to create for-profit ventures that have strong business viability, meaning for the organization, and/or significantly improve quality of life. » Read more…

  137. Allan Gibb the first winner of the European Entrepreneurship Education Award

    Allan Gibb, Professor Emeritus at the University of Durham, England, is awarded the first European Entrepreneurship Education Award. The prize of SEK 100 000, founded by Sten K Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship, is awarded Gibb for his pioneering work within entrepreneurship education at European universities. The prize will be awarded the winner at the European Entrepreneurship Education Workshop of 2012. For programme and registration, see http://www.entrepreneur.lu.se/en/eeew2012
    Sten K Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship announces an award of SEK 100 000 to a person or organisation which has significantly contributed to the development of academic entrepreneurship education in Europe. The prize will be awarded annually for five years, starting from May 2012.
    The following members are part of the Prize committee:
    Hans Landström, Professor, Sten K Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship
    Håkan Ylinenpää, Professor, Luleå University of Technology
    Karin Berglund, Centre Director, Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship
    Magnus Klofsten, Professor, Linköping University
    Mats Lundqvist, Director, Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship

    Congratulations, Allan. Your GPE team! » Read more…

  138. Marina Hatlak Defends Final Thesis

    Martina Hatlak, student of the 13th class of GPE, joined the company of university specialists in entrepreneurship. She has successfully defended her thesis entitled “The Role of Innovativeness and Information and Communication Technologies in Development of National Competitiveness: Example of Croatia and Comparative Countries”. The thesis was defended on March 03, 2012 before the committee of professors consisting of Slavica Singer, Ph.D., chairwoman, Sanja Pfeifer, Ph.D., member and mentor, and Mirna Leko Šimić, Ph.D. Sincere congratulations!

  139. Hrvoje Janocik, University Specialist in Entrepreneurship

    By successfully defending his final thesis, Hrvoje Janocik, student of the 12th class of GPE, obtained the title University Specialist in Entrepreneurship. The thesis entitled “Influence of ABC Method of Cost Management on Business Operations” was defended before the committee of professors consisting of Stipan Penavin, Ph.D., chairman, Nataša Šarlija, Ph.D. member and mentor, and Marijan Karić, Ph.D., Member. Congratulations!

  140. Team Building 15th Class – Bowling

    After the introductory lecture from the Presentation Skills course, team building was organised for students of the 15th class. Students’ tested their skills and precision in the American version of bowling. Members of the most prcse team were awarded with copies of the book “Hallmarks for Successful Business”, which is used in the course Recognizing Business Opportunities, which is taught at the 1st semester.

  141. IpOp Seminar held in Osijek

    Last week at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek a two day IpOp seminar was held within the Doctoral Programme ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS. Seminar on valuation of business opportunities, more efficient management of innovation and business ventures was held by Professor Raphael Cohen, director of Executive MBA programme at the University of Geneva. Through action learning and utilization of a real business opportunity, seminar participants learned why have multionational companies, banks, start-up companies, as well as non-profit and public sector organisations adopted the IpOp model for encouraging and managing innovation.

  142. Start of the 1st Semestar for the New 15th class of Postgraduates

    The first semester for the 15th class of postgraduate students of the Postgraduate Specialist Program in Entrepreneurship has started. New class of postgraduate students was welcomed by Professor Slavica Singer, Head of the Program. Lectures started with the obligatory course “Entrepreneurship from Policy Perspective”. We wish a successfull working semester to the new class and all the teachers.

  143. Bloomberg Institute is coming to J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek

    Bloomberg Institute is coming to J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek March 3rd 2012 to help put you in touch with thousands of financial recruiters! Together with the UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics at the J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek to offer the Bloomberg Assessment Test (BAT) FREE of charge for students on campus.

    Click here to find out more about it.

  144. Annual GEM Meeting Held in San Francisco

    The annual GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) meeting was held on January 18-21, 2011 in San Francisco, at which Slavica Singer, Ph.D. and Nataša Šarlija, Ph.D. participated as representatives of the Croatian GEM team. On this page you can find the 2011 GEM global Report for all participating countries, which was co-authored by Professor Singer.

  145. ICES web notification

    New website presents the redisigned visual identity of PSP, which is a part of our transition to ICES – International Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies. The new web interface offers information such as news and events, improved photo gallery, encompasses the entire vertical of entrepreneurial education and research that are conducted within ICES and much more. The new site is tailored to the end user, i.e., current and future students, professors and associates of ICES, and is also available in the English language. We hope you will like the new visual dimension, and look forward to your feedback. The old site at www.psp.efos.hr will be accessible until February 01, 2012, after which the address will also take you to the new site.

  146. Case SFCH – now available in French

    Case study San Francisco Coffee House: An American Style Franchise in Croatia was included in the leading world database of business cases Ivey Publishing in 2008. Due to large interest in this case, which was used within the Internatonal Entrepreneurship course at Harvard Business School in 2010, and was sold in over 1,000 copies in 2011, Ivey Publishing has included a French translation of the case in its offer. This case is the result of collaboration between Professor IIan Alon, U.S. franchising consultant and Mirela Alpeza, Ph.D. and Aleksandar Erceg, M.Sc, teachers at Postgraduate Program in Entrepreneurship.

  147. Lectures at the Doctoral Study

    Last week (September 15-16, 2011) at the Doctoral study “Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness” professor Pasi Malinen (University of Turku) held lectures in elective course “Business Development Laboratory: Turning Ideas into Business”. The first semester will end with lectures in obligatory course “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, which will be held on September 22-24, 2011 by professors Antti Paasio (University of Turku) and Mirna Leko Šimić (Faculty of Economics in Osijek), at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek.

  148. Doctoral Workshop Held in Dubrovnik

    Workshop DREAM Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship As “Making” was held on May 23-27,2011 at the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik. Workshop was held within the international interdisciplinary doctoral study ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS of the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, for the students of the first generation, and several guest students from Italy, Netherlands and Belgium. Lectures were held by Saras Sarasvathy, professor of entrepreneurship at Darden Graduate School of Business at University of Virginia, USA, and Stuart Read, professor of marketing at IMD Business School, Switzerland.

  149. Triple Helix Doctoral Seminar

    Doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, in cooperation with University of Applied Sciences VERN’ organizes Triple Helix Doctoral Seminar in Zagreb, which will be held by Professor Henry Etzkowitz, originator of the Triple Helix concept. Triple Helix Doctoral Seminar is intended for doctoral students of the doctoral programENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION, other doctoral students interested in the topic of innovation, as well as for academics, business leaders, government staff and other specialists involved in the different aspects of innovation management. » Read more…

  150. Training on the use of the e-learning platform

    On Friday, September 27, 2009, training on the use of the e-learning system that will be used at the doctoral study “Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness” and the specialist study “Entrepreneurship” took place at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. The training was intended for professors who will participate in execution of classes at these studies. Training was conducted by the representatives of eVision software company, which was responsible for the development of the learning platform.