Qualitative Method in Entrepreneurial Research course held (Ulla Hytti, Ph.D., University of Turku)

March 28, 2017

On March 23-25, 2017, professor Ulla Hytti from the University of Turku held lectures of the Qualitative Method in Entrepreneurial Research course at the Doctoral study Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness. During three days of lectures, students of the Doctoral study Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness had the opportunity to become acquainted with the importance and purpose of qualitative research, planning process and methods, and practical examples of creative research. On this occasion, Kirsi Peura, Ph.D. from the University of Turku, as guest lecturer (and doctoral student of the 1st cohort of the Doctoral study Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness), presented her doctoral dissertation with a special emphasis on the used qualitative methodology of research work and the experience of working on the dissertation.