1. New Master of Science – Dorotea Telarović


    Today (November 27, 2007) Dorotea Telarović, student of the 3rd class of Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship has succesfuly defended her Master’s thesis entitled “Role of Transport in Regional Entrepreneurship in Tourism” before the committee of professors consisting of Marcel Meler, Ph.D (mentor) and Mane Medić, Ph.D., and Drago Ružić, Ph.D. (members). We warmly congratulate Dorotea and wish her a lot of success in private and professional life!

  2. Maverick – Guest Lecturer Roberto Sestini


    Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship continues its series of visits by Maverick lecturers. From Italy comes Dr. Roberto Sestini, chairman of the  SIAD Group . Through lecture and discussion that will take place on Friday, November 23, 2007 at 18:00-20:00 in auditorium 7, students will learn which skills and knowledge he used to build his business career, which experiences he acquired and which problems he faced developing the SIAD Group, and many many other interesting things.