1. Sretan Božić i Nova 2023. godina


  2. CONGRATULATIONS to CHARLES RICHARD PLANT, Ph.D. for thesis defended at the international interuniversity interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS


    Charles Richard Plant, Ph.D., defended his doctoral thesis “A STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVE ON ENTREPRENEURIAL PERFORMANCE AND SUCCESS”, on December 1, 2022.

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  3. CONGRATULATIONS to GORAN BECKER, Ph.D. for thesis defended at the international interuniversity interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS


    Goran Becker, Ph.D., defended his doctoral thesis “DRŽAVNA JAMSTVA – DIO PODUZETNIČKOG EKOSUSTAVA MALIH I SREDNJIH PODUZEĆA”, on November 30, 2022.

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  4. CONGRATULATIONS to JELENA ŠIŠARA, Ph.D. for thesis defended at the international interuniversity interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS


    Jelena Šišara, Ph.D., defended her doctoral thesis “ FAKTORI UTJECAJA NA PRISTUP IZVORIMA FINANCIRANJA I USPJEŠNOST MIKRO I MALIH PODUZEĆA”, on November 29, 2022. » Pročitajte više…